Henna Mehndi Designs

Also Designs as the one shown above.

Mehndi /Tattoo using Glitter:

Glitter, as it is famously known as, is an alternate for the natural Mehndi and is frequently used for designs on the body (esp. hands and feets). It is also used in addition to the natural Mehndi to give it the much needed sparkle and highlight in special occasions like wedding and festivals.

Glitter is safe for the skin and can be applied liberally on any part of the body. Unlike natural Mehndi Glitter can be removed instantly, using a simple wet wipe, leaving no trace of it on the skin. Having said that, glitter doesn't come off with body perspiration, once it is dried.

Not to mention the amazing pictures you can take with the glowing glitter designs on your palm or body.

Training Services:

We are also offering henna courses. Learn the secrets of this beautiful and ancient art form and master the skill of applying freehand mehndi designs.

Programme Details: 2014

Course Title: Essence of Henna
Duration of Course: 8 hours split over 4 sessions (can be customised)
Cost: £99 per student
Course Dates: Negotiated
Course Venue: York City, York

York City, Yorkshire, UK
Tutor: Preeti
Contact details: 07506670198 / http://mehndinuk.blogspot.com/
E-mail : preag2@gmail.com
View our full profile on the Touch Milton Keynes directory.
